Monday, May 10, 2010

seriously, where to begin

You know how you get a little behind with a thing and then the time comes when you actually have a chance to sit down and update the thing you were behind on but by that time it just seems like all the stuff you wanted to say isn't really relevant anymore and the stuff that is relevant or at least recent is just not as compelling as the other stuff so you're torn and you're not sure what to write an while you're sitting there not writing you're realizing that the window of time you've allotted yourself to just freaking write something is slowly inching toward closed so you sort of take yourself mentally by the scruff and you give yourself a good shake (because dammit, sometimes you're not above getting a little physical with yourself if that what it takes to make you listenfer chrissakes!)and you tell yourself, "Fer chrissakes, already, just freakin WRITE something!" so you do,(because, let's face it, noone likes getting yelled at. jeeze!) but it just doesn't seem anywhere near as interesting as all that stuff you had in your head and besides, now your water's boiling so you're REALLY out of time and you haven't actually written anything yet -- at least not anything anyone would be interested in reading so you just say F- it (Because, dammit, you're not above the occasional, redacted, swear word even if this is a family blog and you decide to just make a list of all the interesting things that have happened so at least you have a record of them someday when you're wondering what happened on that day, so long ago, when you thought you had nothing to say but still felt as if, probably that still wasn't really a good enough reason to not just freakin' write.

1) Happy Mother's day. i was sad yesterday. Mostly i missed my Big Girl. But also i got my feelings hurt. Also possible I was a little sulky about not having every single thing be the exact way i would like to it to be all the time (case-in-point, Missing-Big-Girl on Mom's Day)... Also possible I was just really tired. Who knows. I did have my Beautiful Little girl though so that went a pretty long way toward making things MUUUUUCCCCCH better. I'm fine now though. Just amybe need to learn to deal.

2) Big Little Girl had her birthday. Happy Birthday, Baby!!! You are awesome and huge and I love you sooooo mcuh it's scary. Really. Sometimes I wake up int he middle of the night terrified at how much i adore you. Plus sometimes i think I hear ghosts. Mostly though because I love you!!!

3) i am (AGAIN) infectious. And no, not the good kind. I hate (that's right, I said "hate"!) having coldsores. Really. Not the 24 hour party they're rumored to be!

4) My buddy, the Rock Star's mom got herself broken again and I'm sorry about that. I sort of want to wrap her up in cotton wool and keep her on the shelf but she's got this thing where she wants to be all independent or whatever...! Whatever... Feel better soon, Chicka. I'm only a stone's throw away if you need me to come over and open any jars or anything!

5) Work last week was rough. Nor horrible or anything just a little hard. S'over now though so I'm not dwelling....

6) got to go out to have some sushi with The Missus the other night. that was fun. Except the freakin' dishes wouldn't stay put. She was fien with it though. Possibly got her early sushi eating experience in N'Orleans or some place riddled with glassware that cruises like that....

{sigh} k. so i'm sure there's more but the water is really boiling now so.... More later I hope. we're all pulling for it at any rate!

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