Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where to begin

O.K. so i figured out that i'm employing two altogether different styles of parenting with my children:

1) Delivering instruction with a reasonable expectation that it will be considered if not actually heeded


2) Doing everything in my power to reduce collateral damage

Seriously, what does one do when one has a child who really has no interest whatsoever in doing something (anything) because you (the parent) "said so." Not just "no interest", but no idea as to why anything coming from my mouth/brain might be a good thing to try. Today instead of getting the typical stubborn face reaction to one of my parental urgings, i actually got a perplexed expression -- and this re:tooth brushing; something that happens every morning not some random wacky idea i had about maybe wearing our clothes backwards or something insane/that might merit further explanation.

Anyways.... that being said, things are going well i spose. I'm sick or tired or both so everything is very "grey" right now. [The Big Big Girl doesn't like that the color grey gets such a seemingly bad rap but i feel like i'm using it appropriately -- e.g. lack of brightness, quiet, neutral, drab-- so i'm standing by my assessment!]

Luckily we have some lovely things coming up so i think this little slump will be over soon and we will be back to our "normal" enthusiastic self. Hope so anyway. being "low" is annoying. :-)

In other news: got to go to the Little Big Girl's School Expo this afternoon which was awesome. The Big Big Girl came with and it was quickly made CRYSTAL clear who the most beloved person in our little family happens to be. Seriously, I think if LBG's other mom and i hadn't been co-opted by another parentless child for "expository" purposes we really might have had to wander sadly 'monst the fantastic exhibits completely unattended and sadly alone for the duration of the event! Sad, yes, but probably something we need to just get used to.

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