Friday, July 25, 2003

Receptionist wanted...

Yo, if anyone out there knows of anyone who is looking to hire an entry-level receptionist, office assistant type let me know. There's a super-nice lady here at work who is looking to change careers (currently a security guard); super personable, but not a lot of office experience. (and cute! Can I just say...!! Not that that's any reason to hire her nor is it my primary reason for wishing to assist but jeesus, gawd, I gots to say, she's pretty easy on the eyes...{mind drift} Oops... sorry, where were we...)

The kid has a luhau (sp?) at school today so she is all dressed up Hawaiian style and I just have to say, she is adorable! Mistah L-L is picking her up from school and he has a digital cameral so those of you who want access to some primo "Boo-being-cute-in-a-sarongey-sort-of-way" pics let me know and I'll see about floating some your way...

So, I'm feeling the lack of snuggling in my life and am thinking about posting an ad on Craigslist. I imagine it would run thusly:

"Here's what I want. I want someone who is mostly nice, fairly funny and kinda cute to read this ad. I want that person to respond with a witty e-mail that will make me smile. I want us to meet for coffee/tea/bagels/whatever and freaking slay each other with our charming ways/ hilarious wittisisms. (I want someone who knew I spelled "witticism" wrong but was willing to cut me a little slack.) Once we've established that we're both brillant, sexy and 'doable' I want us to figure out a time when we can get busy. I want us to continue to write to each other; to occassionally call each other late at night and, whenever there's a break in our otherwise stupidly hectic schedules, I want us to f*** . If this works for you let me know; if not, why not? I'm curious..."

What do we think?

BTW, the butt is doing fine. It was many time less painful this morning than it was yesterday although it still hurts to sit...

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