Tuesday, January 27, 2004


I'm baaaaacccccckkkkk! (I know, I already used that earlier but I'm 36 now and when a woman has reached "a certain age" she is suddenly allowed all manner of license!) So, then I am back. i had a Fabulous time in New Mex! Saw your sister, Dirty Boy. I told her you were "awfully serious" about a pre-med student out here named Julie -- that you'd given her a ring and everything but she wanted to finish school first... You should probably be expecting a phone call from them...

i love my brothers so much it hurts sometimes to even continue looking at them -- yes, that's right, the Magnet family IS.THAT.COOL. -- and I am feeling refreshed and relaxed and relatively on top of my game. Thanks for asking. Work seems to be going well (I, of course, say "seems" because I think I'm doing swell but I'm equally sure everyone else there is 1) wondering whether or not that "at-will" part of the hiring agreement is actually going to stand up in court and 2) exactly when it is that I intend to start doing all that stuff I said i knew how to do in the interviews...! No worries, though. i am reasonably certain that by the time they figure out that i am a fraud they will have goten so very attached to me that they simply cannot bear the thought of parting ways (not unlike an annoying puppy who shreds the furniture and takes liberties with your shoes but whom you simply cannot bear to give away!)

I am, in fact feeling so very vivacious that I find myself facing the age ole question -- what on earth do I do with the attention! not that there is that much. in fact there's really just the one. Attentive person that is. Young (and I DO mean young) lady who works at the cafe here on campus -- OH! Speaking of which, I'm a BONEHEAD and i forgot to "check-in" for my spring semester so i'm here on campus merrily trying to add/drop classes and the registrar tells me I've been "withdrawn" from school! Took me ten minutes of groveling and 200.00 bucks just to get him to do the amount of typing (about thirteen seconds worth) it takes to "reinstate" a student...Sheesh. Sometimes i amaze even myself. Anyway... -- Cutie cafe girl is being all flirtatious and whatnot and I am being flirty back and my brain is actually saying "hmmmmmm. I wonder if this is a likely candidate for S-E-X???" {sigh} i really don't know what's wrong with me. maybe it's the spring in the air-- wait...

I just got through reading American Gods by Neil Gaimon and while I found it interesting, i have to say I probably wouldn't read it again. i felt not unlike I feel reading Armisted Maupin's more recent novels -- Interesting, somewhat compelling but in the end probably could have been said with alot fewer words. Good thing i finished it though. i just went to the bookstore and bought $81.18 worth of new books that I'm supposed to be reading.... Although, I think I may try to slip in the book that Travelin Man loaned me and which name escapes me... Ah, well... I'm sure those of you who really need to know will find a way to plumb my subconscious...

Quick super huge Thank You!! to the Tall One who lives in front of me for so fabulously stepping up to care for the wild kitties who make my front yard their home (and who i feed myself when I'm not out galavanting about the continent!)

Also a shout out to Family Guy for sharing the deets re: his flock o' cuties! i sure do miss having on-site persons with which to swap "and the OTHER thing she did that was sooooo cute was--" stories.

Speaking of which! You know what THE CUTEST thing ever is?? The cutest thing ever is when a couple of kids who are 5/6 get together and stare at each other so intently that their foreheads touch! I've seen this in action twoice now and I CANNOT even stand how adorable (in an extremely serious way, of course) it is!!!!!

You know, I'm thinking that maybe, just possibly, the way you know you're really, seriously old is when even as you're trying to tell yourself that you COULD just flirt with a girl, possibly get to know each other a little, maybe hang out, maybe kiss - but that if you're SUPER clear about everything then if it should turn out that this girl wants more from you than you can give, you can just explaing the situation, reference the past conversations and while she might be sad she'd at least understand and go away... even as you're thinking that, the OTHER part of your brain -- the part that knows you're full of sh**, is already working out where else on campus you can go to get a decent sandwich and some fries.

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