Monday, February 16, 2004


By now you all may have heard the SF is handing out marriage licenses at the drop of a "all-you-have-to-do-is-stand-in-line-for-a-million-hours-in-the-rain-and-do-some-paperwork" hat and I am super proud and delighted to announce that the fabulous, wonderful, and oh-so-deserving Misses Bs managed to obtain one of those "only handing out 400/day", "official/legal for now anyway" documents !! Yay! This will make the SECOND marriage between those two that I failed to be on hand for and I've just got to say I hope I'm around in forty years when you guys renew your vows, although, truth be told, I'll probably miss that too -- I'll send something nice from Guam, though!

In other news, this week-end was a little weird but fine in general. I had invited a classmate/friend of the Boo's over for a sleepover Friday night (so her mom could get busy with some guy she met whilst on vacation in Mexico -- I actually met him on Sat. He seemed like quite a nice person. Too bad he's getting involved with a FREAK! Anyway, more on that later maybe...) Thing is, Boo and this person have a very strange relationship in that while this child can't seem to stay away from the Boo, she spends the majority of her time being mean to her. Now, given that her mom is a head-case, I think it's fairly likely that she's just mean to everybody -- what was weird though was that the few times she wasn't being mean, when she was actually being nice, Boo was mean to her! I know!! My Boo! My sweetheart Angel-girl with nary a mean word to say to anybody was actively mean to this kid. Something to see, let me tell ya! So. I spent a whole bunch of time being "disappointed" with the two of them which is never fun and which led to some tears and overall unhappiness -- cute though, late Saturday after little Miss Demonchild had gone home, I went in to check up on my suddenly very quiet kid and it turns out she had put herself on timeout because, obviously I wasn't going to get around to doing it... (I was feeling bad about the whole situation since I was the one who invited her and I know for a fact that this kid is a terror...) because, seriously, a kid's got to have some freaking structure! I mean you can't tell a kid she's been disappointing all day and then not do anything about it! I swear, it is a damn good thing Boo's around to school me on this stuff... otherwise God only knows how she'd get raised! So... anyway. much of the week-end was spent with us being distant and moody which SUCKED but we're good now. I have her here with me until noon so at least I get a little quality Boo time to make up for the at-odds-ness (anybody else sensing what a complete wreck I'm going to be when she's twelve and doesn't talk to me for three days in a row.) Yesterday I spent reading and writing a "legal brief" for my public policy class ... I'm still trying to catch up with the onslaught of reading my Prof gave at the beginning of the semester -- why do professors assign you fifteen thousand pages of reading before anyone who isn't actually in publishing has had a chance to buy the damn books??? Anyway...

OH! Almost forgot, I've had several requests lately for new aliases -- Let's see, Ms. B.... There are not a lot of names I can think of for you that aren't going to get me in trouble but I was just reading "An Ideal Husband" by Mr. Oscar Wilde (I know, I know...THIS is why I don't get my reading on public policy done! O.K. moving on...) which nicely supports given the events of the past week-end but then, at the same time, I'm also realizing what a kick-ass administrator my cute little married friend actually is (and NO I am NOT just saying that because she happens to be my boss! {offended by the very suggestion} )So, in light of all of this, I'm thinking the new name for Ms. B is going to be Ideal Husband/Our Esteemed Leader or "IHOEL" which I like very much and which sounds vaguely Jewish or maybe Hawaiian.... Anyway, there you have it. Other Girl has also put in a request to change her monniker to "Other Woman" or "Other Lady" or something like that to which I must reply "Uh, yeah, talk to me ten years from now and I'll think about it." Denied! Alrighty, then. That's it for now, I believe. Hope your respective week-ends were FAB! talk attcha all later!

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