Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Love and Light

Welcome to the happy, joyous, love and light world of Miss Chick Magnet. Come in. Sit on down. Put your feet up. Enjoy the satisfaction and joie de vivre that is a happy, contented Chick... mmmmmm... bask in the glow.... Feel the warmth.... Now get out!

Ha. I am in a good mood today. This is due to several factors which I will detail in the order in which they occur to me.

1) Kid was with me ALL Day at work yesterday which, for those of you unfamiliar with the joy that is the Boo was GREAT! I love having her near me. i love that we went off to go meet the God-Uncle-Peep for lunch and had the following conversation:

Boo: The rest of the class is going to Yerba Buena park today [not her literal class, but the group she was with yesterday during her other official day off from school].
Chick: Do you wish you could go?
Boo: Yes. but no. I mean, I like it but I like going to your work and seeing my grown-up friends more. And you. I like being with you.
Chick: {melting into large puddle of goo} Cool. I like you too.
Boo: I know.

2) Professor K. loves me and sooo has my back. Finished overdue paper (finally -- one down six to go!) which I was in the process of surreptitiously trying to slip onto Other Professor's pile when Other Professor notices me and smiles largely. Not the response I was expecting since I've been nothing but a Major f***up in her class thus far. As class progresses, I notice that she's being awfully nice to me an awful lot.

[to guest speaker] "You probably know Chick, it seems you two have a lot in common." "Chick, maybe you can help A. figure out a topic for her final paper?" "See you next week! {Said in singsongey voice combined with a jaunty wave}" so I am perplexed and leaving class and run into Beautiful, Brillant Prof. K. and she says "Hey, you! I was thinking about you this week. I thought of something you could do as your final project for Other Professor's class that ties into your job and I discussed it with her and she thought it was a great idea! She's very excited about it!" I. Love. Prof. Ketelle.

3) For some bizarre reason things vis a vis the sheer amount of paper-writing that has to happen in order for me to not completely fail this semester don't seem that insurmountable today. Probably won't last but nice right this second.

4) Having lunch with my BBQ tomorrow. which is Great! Because I miss her (even though i technically saw her -- and her Bee-u-ti-ful offspring -- three days ago)

So, all-in-all, I'd have to say, sum total i'm happy. today. Hurry in, People, Get it while it lasts! Cause when it's gone, it's goooone! Well, no, probably not, but you get my drift.

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