Sunday, March 07, 2004

Now then, where were we...?

Ah yes! The news (well at least all of it that's fit to print!) Let's begin by sending a rousing "THANK YOU!" to those of you who not only contenanced my complete abdication from blogging duties -- huge, stressful, deadline notwithstanding, I realize it is I who am entirely at fault here and I thank GOD that you've chosen to stick with me -- but who also provided interim support throughout what I'll simply refer to as "my dark period." I am back (although given that I'm finding new job, new classes and old life responsibilities the tiniest bit challenging right now, I may not be as "frequent/intensely entertaining" as past posting has been, I will however strive for regularity -- and c'mon, seriously, when one such as I has reached "a certain age" that's really all any of us can hope for!)

Thank you to The Rabbit Lover (also known as my loverly co-web-facilitator here in the trenches) she is fabulous and talented and a joy to work with. Seriously. I could not have survived without her.

Another big thanks goes out to the Co-parent who was almost scarily accomodating/sweet about schedule switchage and a whole host of other kid related things last week. I appreciate it and am grateful for your support.

Special thanks also to Dirty Boy who for some reason is just making me really happy right now. Don't know why. Probably won't last, but for now, you're a sweetie and I don't care who knows it!

Lastly, shout out to my Best Buddy Q for reiminding me of my attendant duties vis a vis correspondence with the world-at-large and who i'm sure entirely fails to realize that the only reason I cut her/the rest of my sweeter-than-they-have-any-right-to-be peeps off during times of intense stress is simply because they are just too damn compelling and I have TO WORK dammit!!! I know, pitiful excuse but I'm hoping to make it all up to everyone with lunch, hugs and copious mooning!

K. So what's been going on? Took kid to have her general medical check-up and found out (surprise) that she is jest fine. She's in the 15 percentile growth and 10th for weight which is normal and healthy, just small so I should stop with the worrying already [Fabulous Dr. didn't actually say that but you know she was thinking it!] Also, child has perfect 20/20 vision and excellent hearing (Yay! I'm telling you, there's definitely something to be said for selecting a donor specifically so he could "compensate" for your freaking near-sighted genes!)

Kid dressed up as what she wanted to be when she grew up on Thursday and settled on Veterinarian. She was a People-Doctor when I dropped her off at school so I'm not super sure what machinations caused her to alter her focus but, c'est lea vie, the world of animals has been doubly blessed.

Speaking of which, we have a kitten! As we already well know, there is a pack of feral cats living in my front yard and while I have been laboring under the illusion that they are all fixed one of them has managed (possibly via immaculate conception) to produce an offspring. Said offspring suddenly started bounding about the front yard and steps a mere few days ago and while a significant part of my brain is thinking "Shoot! Now I'm going to have to trap/ fix/feed/be kind of responsible for yet another freaking cat!" the other part of my temporal lobe cannot help but think she's just about the cutest little gold-striped kitty I've seen in a very long time! If anyone wants a cat, let me know!

Note to Angel - sorry about your leg, buddy. I hope you heal up quickly. You're past the "growth" stage so you'll probably only be stuck with residual limping. Nothing that your adorable smile won't more than compensate for!

Travelin' Man - Welcome back to the world of those who hate their job! (Well, I'm no longer technically a member of that elite club but I'll pretend for you if you like!) Seriously though, while I am somewhat sad for you, at the same time I am delighted for me because this means lunch dates which we've already established are my only means of communication with those who I actually like so, once everything's weighed and calibrated I'd have to say... bonus as far as I'm concerned!

Little L-Bee - Sooooooo sorry you're sick. It sucks to be sick and it sucks to be little and sick and I wish there was something I could do to make everything better. If you think of anything let me know. otherwise just hang in there. You'll be better soon, I'm sure. [Ditto message to Sweet Little Lu but I think you're already better so just keep on keeping healthy! Kisses to both of you!]

Tony - I will see you dammit! It's sunny, it's no longer as crazy, my horoscope said so (and you know how accurate those puppies are!) so... no more lolly-gagging. "Lunch date with T" has been written in pen in my calendar and as far as I'm concerned that's practically the same as having it passed as a joint resolution by the acting bodies of congress so... [sorry, i just finished writing my mid-term for my public policy class.... Ask me about term limits! Go on, ask!]

Heard from the CaseWorker that we were turned down on all of the children we were being "considered" for last month. Am officially depressed about that but whatever. Will wait semi-patiently for whatever is supposed to happen to happen, I guess.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Went to see the Lion king. Costumes=amazing. Cast = o.k. Kid was entralled, though, so I spose it was almost worth mortgaging the house...

Plan to kick some poker a** in a coupla weeks so that's something to look forward to.

I think that's it really. I'm starting to get a slight headache so even if it's not, I'm still gonna go. Kisses to everyone. Mwah, mwah! I lurve you, all!

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