Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I'm in a weird mood right now. I just got off the phone with this CHILD who, when I told him that I maybe was kind of possibly starting to like this person I work with, stated: "Great! Did you need to borrow my bike or are you going to chase this one down on foot?" Which was not only not funny, I'd have to say it bordered on obnoxious, especially coming from him, ferchrissakes... yet and still, though... it got me thinking. What it got me thinking was this: Have I ever been involved with someone with whom I have not made the proverbial "first move?" I really don't think I have. Why is that? Maybe it might be a good thing to see if it's even possible for me to just hang out with someone I like and stop trying to freaking force everything. Not in this instance of course. This instance is a "soooo not going anywhere" sitch but maybe... possibly... if I ever decide adult humans are again worth the effort.... Nah. I've taken my vow of celibacy (which extends to crushes) and i will stand fast regardless of the myriad temptations... {snicker} Quick show of hands, who believed that one??

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