Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I'm sick. I was sick yesterday, I'm sick today and I will no doubt be sick tomorrow. I do NOT however have two broken wrists so that puts me one step ahead of Pretty Boy, the ex-snowboarding king of the world!

In other news, my eldest child pointed out to me yesterday that my youngest is left-handed -- which is cool (hope it lasts) which, of course brings up the issue of how LAME am I that I didn't notice something as basic as her eating, writing and turning pages with her southern paw before this? My brain is gone. Also interesting, Mistah L-L dropped by the other night right around Spark bedtime and for some reason (I don't know how or why) my little angel who is accustomed to, if not actually screaming, at least kicking and thrashing around in a grumbly sort of way, the second the lights go out -- didn't. She just went to sleep. It was bizarre. Boo and I were amazed. Boo thinks it's because Mistah L-L reminds Spark of her other "uncle" who is tall and whom she a-dores and whom she spent the first year of her life with and that kind of makes sense. Pretty much regardless though, we both agree that it is now incumbent on Mistah L-L to put in an appearance every night at Chez Chick circa 7:30 for the rest of our lives so my child will go to sleep in as peaceable manner as possible. No need to hang around or anythinng. Really what we're looking for is the "pop-in." In lieu of that, perhaps we could get some sort of large cardboard cut-out...

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