Sunday, April 24, 2005

You wanna feel old...?

Go to your buddy's 30ieth B-day party and really consider the fact that you're the oldest person in the room by at least 7-10 years. Scary. And not in a good way. Just kidding. B-Day festie was delightful. I am amazed that such quantities of beauty not only walk the face of the earth but that they congregate in Mistah L-L's life! Met the little (?) brother as well. He's sweet. Quiet and nice. He's here for a bit so hopefully I'll get more of a chance to chat with him/find out all of Mistah L-L's childhood secrets!

In other news, just got off the phone with My New Boyfriend -- he's been slammed this week with the job and the pseudo single-parent gig whilst Iron-on Transfer Gal is on the East Coast so he's not had all that much time to lavish attention on me which just plain SUCKS. Understandable though. His kid is super lucky right now because apparently yesterday involved getting a goldfish/SpongBob aquarium which is just plain cool by anyone's standards! So, being that I am a centered and aware person who has undergone significant amounts of self-analysis not too mention seen real, lasting growth in terms of my "patterns" and who is working on her empathetic connecting, I am not in any way dissapointed or sad or jealous that despite all the crazyness and not having seen me in forever someone else got what little extra time and attention NYG had to give last night. (And yes, I know that I had other plans as well -- but honestly, that's not really the point now is it??!) So much for a slam dunk. Why, oh why do I tend to forget that this dating/relationship stuff takes work...
I'm in a weird mood so I'm going to close with a conversation with the Boo who I just picked up from a sleep-over B-day party she was at last night.

Boo: So, yesterday I was lonely and I sang a song and just when I finished Antonia walked over and asked me if I wanted to play.
Me: What was the song?
Boo: The one from Mulan after she can't be a bride because she's different.
Me: Oh. [I'm useless.]

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