Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"mini-me" musing cont....

and then I got to thinking about my mom and her life-long desire for darker skin and curly hair. About how she wanted to travel and to grow up in a place that didn't have snow and brown brick buildings all squashed together -- what must she think of her own little experiment with "alternate beginnings." From where I sit, I think we all turned out great. I think she thinks so too but then there's that sort of pervasive bitterness thing that underlies every discussion of day to day accomplishments. Her surprise that we're doing so well. Like there's something sketchy about the whole thing. Is that what you get when you set up your little ones to have the life that you dreamt about -- some kind of wierd jealousy/longing as you watch from the sidelines as these people you created reap the benefits of all your hard work? Anyway... this whole reproducing thing is turning out to be more complicated than I at first thought. Many billions times better but definitely requiring some additional thought.

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