Thursday, February 09, 2006

the Brokeback bandwagon

O.K. so I finally saw this movie. my god. It was sooooooooo good. I'm almost afraid to write about it because everything I've read so far seems insipid and surfacey sounding. It's like trying to analyze why Lyle is so alluring. I mean you can DO it but it just seems like you either end up taking out all the feeling ("several effective plot devices come into play but the pacing is at times tedious and the ending could use some tightening")or being completely reductionist ("Gay Cowboy movie", "typical love story", "insightful study of what it means to be male in this culture") or sounding sappy ("My own Brokeback mountain happened during Gulf War..."). I don't want to be any of that but at the same time, jeesus, what a great movie. Made me mad but hell, I'd love to see it again!

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