Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hawaiian Kitty!

Who found the only remaining Hello Hawaii Kitty (Brown!) in the downtown San Francisco area yesterday so she could add it to her kid's V. Day bag today? Quick follow up question: Who's officially THE best parent EVER! Um. Yeah. That would be me.

Conversation had this morning:

Me: Go away
"Ex-Roomie": C'mon...
Me: I'm SICK.
ER: So, that means you're not going to work anyway.
Me: I'm dying!
ER: I'm leaving....
Me: About time.
ER: C'mon...
Me: No!
ER: {leaves room. mumbled phone conversation} Are you gonna drive me or not???
Me: NO! I. am. sick. I am not getting out of this bed!
ER: {standing in doorway looking annoyed -- into phone}... yeah, I should be there about 8:00. O.K. Yeah. O.K. Love you to. Bye. {looking at me}
Me: What?
ER: ...
Me: Jesus, it's not like you couldn't just catch the BART.
ER: ...
Me: Stop it.
ER: ...
Me: aaarrrrgggggg! Fine! FINE! I will drive your lazy ass to the freaking airport. God! What is it with you? Why are you completely incapable of doing anything by yourself or for yourself?? You know, you're a bigger baby than the baby, you know that??? She got up early yesterday, got herself dressed and made herself some breakfast fer chrissakes! When was the last time you did anything for yourself that didn't involve a skateboard, or getting into someone's pants or ---
ER: {smile}
Me: What?!
ER: {hunching down next to the bed, still smiling} Thank you.

Happy Trails, Darlin.' Have a good flight. Give the kids my best -- you can keep what's left over...

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