Friday, March 31, 2006

That does it...

the gloves are coming off! How you gonna tell me you're "kinda in the middle of something with someone else" then continue to be all cute and adorable about stuff when we meet for lunch THEN send me a note that says: "So, I've been thinking about this and i think I know someone who'd be great for you!" WTF??! Sure, I get that on some level I need to start learning that "no means NO!" but seriously -- while I acknowledge that it is possible to be torn about whether or not I actually am THE BEST THING that's ever going to happen to you (yes, I am but some people need time to get there) and possibly needing a minute to re-arrange/re-consider whatever "other thing" you've got going, setting me up with your friend?? Why? So, I'll be in your circle and can watch you and your galpal being all snuggley? Who is that fun for? The only best case scenario there is that I decide it's almost as fun to be equally snuggley with the buddy but even THAT (given my track record for respecting boundaries) ensures NOTHING in terms of original crush allieviation. Alright, alright, so sure I did put it out there that there was a certain amount of Owed-ness in terms of meeting my demands (if you're not gonna do it, find me someone who will!) but at this point...? I dunno, it just seems right up there with putting out fires with bourbon...

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