Saturday, May 27, 2006

Riddle me this...

How come I never like anybody who likes me and vice versa how come I'm always chasing people who are so unfamiliar with what I actually look like despite seeing me once a week, every week for months on end that when i suddenly appear with hair that is 2 feet longer than it was before just squint a little and say "Hey, did you get highlights or something...?" before turning away to continue their far more fruitful conversation with my kid. {sigh}

Anyhoo, check out this really very cool picture my 3-year old took of me (because this is a family blog I cropped it so you can't see that I'm actually sitting on the toilet -- not USING the toilet you perverts! just sitting there, watching my kid take pictures of the cat who happened to be in the bathtub. Long story. Anyway, where was I??? Oh yes, look at this!

tell me my kid's not going to be famous in all the photography/drag-racing circles!

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