Sunday, September 10, 2006

A so goes another week-end...

In the overpacked life of a single-parent(ish) 30-something working, schoolgirl mother...
So, this journalism student over at SFSU just called me to do a phone interview (she's doing a piece on "women in technology" -- no idea how she ended up with me (more like "women who front in technology!") and we went through the standard questions, what do you do, what do you like, what is difficult, blah, blah, blah and she wraps up with "O.k. enough about work, kids, school -- what do you do for fun? Like do you go out or watch TV or what?" I have to say, I was a little stumped. I mean, I describe the LIFE to someone my age and they nod sagely and offer me more wine, but to a kid...? Seriously. What do I do for fun? I think hanging out and looking at my kids is fun. I think getting a sitter and going to my BBQ's house for the world's most amazing chicken/squash/red things dinner party with my new boyfriend and my favoritest set of "happily-marrieds" is fun. I think (in a kind of sick way) staying home from work so I can crank out yet another 30 page paper on my way to my doctorate is fun.... Which (I think) either means I am unable to ascertain any longer what "real" fun looks like or it places me pretty soundly in a whole other category of life-being from this aspiring journalist that may not be easily understood but it seems pretty authentically come by and so is jest fine by me. (Tee Hee. I just used the word "authentic" in a non-ironic way. I'm such a grown-up!)

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