Friday, May 18, 2007


I'm tired. Why on earth would I be tired? Glad you asked! I'm tired because I was out later than I usually am last night having a very nice dinner with the very nice (and very cute) Tap-Tap and just generally enjoying myself! Yay. I like that gal. She's special! :-]

In other news: Just found out that my ex-IT Guy quit a coupla days ago! I'm still waiting for the details but I gather the ex-workplace just got a little too insane for him to deal any longer. Interesting.....

I, myself, am still looking. I've sent out a bunch more resumes and gotten a coupla of responses. I sent a truly magnificent "please hire me and I will fulfill your every desire" letter to a place I REALLY want to work (it's not just really cool company, it also happens to be performing in the area in which I'm hoping to become ensconsed after i finish my dissertation so, needless to say, getting in now would be pure bonus) but I haven't heard back. Generally though, I have to say, I'm in a fine mood. (I mean, it does seem like i may actually get a job some day and all the rest is good with my world....) {sigh} O.K. so it looks like I have an hour before I need to head out of here to get my babies. I think I'll try to catch a little shut-eye.....

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