Monday, October 05, 2009

something pithy goes in here...

So, i'm sort of an awkward mental place right now because it's my year one wedding anniversary and while I am DELIGHTED to have managed to remain kept for a span of time that is twice the going rate in Hollywood, I am also at work where the wife is not and I'm really feeling more "overwhelmed with work project" than all "inspirational notes for posterity" right now. i mean I will be excited -- we have a whole situation planned for the eve and I am beyond happy and content with the life and the Wife.... Basically, i feel like i need to put something here as a placeholder for the date, though so that when i do come back with all the sappy stuff (probably tomorrow), you, the readership will hopefully not think that I am completely lame/forgot the largeness of today!

In other news, Happy Birthday to my beautiful Baby brother who may or may not be turning 39 as we speak! The Wife thinks they're the same age but i'm really not sure. i sort of stopped counting after i hit 16. Suffice it to say, i know he's close enough in age to have witnessed at least two of my high school years so for that reason alone, I need to keep him happy/in my camp!

1 comment:

ChickMagnet said...

ah... turns out he's 40! Who knew...