Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yet another quickie

So, i was thinking all week that i wanted to write about last week-end because we went back to visit the "old house" which was where the Big Big Girl got bigger, where the Little Big Girl came home to and where we lived behind the now-Wife and her then-GF. Needless to say, lots of rushing back memory drama but nice and sweet. Awesome to see my old landlady. Cute to see the cottage again. We stalked the current tenants/harassed them until they let us in (not really. We just happened to be there when they came rolling up, mom in tow, and unleashed some of the Magnet charm on their collective selves. I swear, i'm glad i'm not normally in a position to have to resist myself/my Kid-peeps because it has got to be next to IMPOSSIBLE!) The girl who lives there now has planted all sort of serious vegetables in the front so there were cabbages and corn and strawberries. Cool. The boy and the mom were also super sweet, standing around jawing, inviting us inside. All-in-all a pleasurable little visit. Did get me thinking alot about the good ole days though. I miss that place. good times.

in other news, THIS week-end promises to shape up into a humdinger. First off, we have The Spark's best bud Little Lady K. here with us and she is fabulous! In mere moments we're going to be constructing some cookies then we're off into the world for some Ice Cream socializing with the Rock Star and her Mom, then further off to the Paly Altie hinterlands to watch us some quality tennis playing by the Little Lady in her fancy-pants "seeded" tournament sitch after which there will be BB-Qing and staying in an actual hotel! i know! Sunday = more of the same except i'm feeling like there may be some put-put.... Really, I know every week-end ends up pretty choice but this is really seeming like it'll be super extra awesome! I can't wait!

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