Tuesday, October 12, 2010

take your daughter to work day!

You know what i love?? having my kids at work, that's what! Really. Yesterday was Columbus Day meaning (weirdly) school for one of them but not the other so I got to see my Big Big girl basically all day which was AWESOME.

Having said that, however, i do have to also say this last several round of days/weeks is kind of kicking my bottom. I mean, who knew that getting a single child into the San Francisco High School System was so ... much ... work??? now don't get me wrong, i acknowledge that nothing good is just handed to one (although that hasn't exactly born up in my own life but i'm sure there are less freakishly lucky schmoes out there who have to work for the good stuff they get!) but really.... the planning and the schmoozing and the open-housing and the committee meetings and the "shadow visit" setting up and the "discussing" and strategizing with the co-parental peeps and the filling in of spreadsheets and the constant "on-ness" of it all...... {sigh} i do have to say, I'm sort of looking forward to Feb when it's all all be over but the shouting, as it were.

Aside from rampant busy-ness though, the week-end was quite nice. I totally blew my SB Volunteer Committee Chair person duties vis a vis the annual picnic (got lost going there for set-up, forgot a bunch of stuff I was supposed to bring, didn't pick up either of my kids on time or as planned and ended up missing all but the last 15-20 minutes of the actual event) BUT we did have a nice row about on Stowe lake and some quality playtime in golden gate park following the event so that was lovely.

Also not sure i mentioned this or not (heaven forbid i just look at the past postings on this thing) but we were in South lake tahoe last week-end for the Big girl's b-day which was also quite lovely. I dunno. i think sum total = life is good but individually, i do have to say i'm finding the days a little harder to slog along right now. Maybe i will begin scheduling time for actual sleep. that might fix everything :-)

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