Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mom's Day!

O.k. so really this post is not about mom's day at all -- it's more about how i feel like i've been run over by a slow-moving truck but as it occurs on mother's day i felt it only right to acknowledge that fact before moving on. eh hem. now then.

Last week-end was the Little Big Girl's Birthday extravaganza. It was awesome. there was a jump house involved and some cake (although i let it get all melty and was duly chastised by The Wife who - to be fair - was only passing along info received from a parent-in-residence so really it was more of casual observation that i gave undue weight to/let hurt my feelings, but still....) Fantastic to see my peeps. lovely that i got to paint some faces. Also lovely that i got to catch up on the ML-L news (new digs, new baby due date - well *same* baby due date but news to me! - everyone doing well.) Still struggling with how *old* my children are but at some point, i feel i will come to terms with it and stop being amazed all the time.

The day prior to the B-day party was all about the Big Big Girl playing drums in Windsor with her band at their Cinco de Mayo festival. Again, the awesomeness was awe inspiring. I love love love watching that kid play. i love her band as well. There were some truly talented individuals up there (although there was one weird lady dancing like a maniac THE ENTIRE TIME in like 100 degree heat!)

The week-end before that was the Little Big Girl's debut prayer dance at the church she goes to (more on how an 8 year old gets to independently be a member of a church when her parents are essentially non-affiliated by choice and in some case sheer laziness at some later date when i'm less tired/more inclined.) which was awesome! seriously. i teared up. my cheeks hurt with all the smiling. really very fantastic.

This week-end (yesterday) was the Big Flea Market fundraiser for the Little Big Girl's school and while i was amazed that it went so well (enough vendors to make it "interesting" a line-up of really amazing DJs, live bands and Mexican dancers, great food, no rain) I have to say I was a bit disappointed by the turnout. We did end up raising close to the amount we'd set as our goal but still... I feel like we should have been able to get at least three times the amount of people to attend. Ah, well... Live and learn. [Quick shout out though to The Wife for helping tiny people paint mother's day cards all day and to my Buddy AEG for not only showing up in a "vendor" capacity but for also totally chipping in with helping with the other booths and just generally providing a sunny, useful presence through-out!]

Finally, this coming week-end which is the BBQ's wedding week-end and which will be soooo fantastic I will not be able to stand it!

After that - downtime. Hopefully. Please god.

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