Tuesday, July 15, 2003


Well, I finally saw it and yes, it was a babe-fest. I have to say I was a little misled by all the various things I've read/heard about it. I think i spent the whole first half of the movie expecting it to be different (hilarious, witty, almost entirely without an appearance by Mr. Depp -- someone actually told me he was only in about 30% of the film!) but then when I let go of what i thought it was going to be like i actually found myself really enjoying it just cause it's really cute.

I was discussing it briefly with my work-buddy Tony yesterday and I think his was the apt-est of all the summations I've heard: "It is what it is." I would add that I thought it was a particularly charming version of the genre but essentially I find it doesn't stand up well to analysis. That said, initial fight scenes were a bit too long for my taste but boy-howdy, any and all "failings"were more than made up for by earnest babe-ness, cool costumes and girls that didn't just stand around. kudos Disney! Good job!

Then, on the way to work today, some lady stopped me as she was getting out of her car and asked if she could give me a CD. I thought it was some kind of marketing thing but she handed me a CD titled "Conciousness is the Key to self-worth -- Angela Davis on 9/11 speaking in Colorado". It's obviously homemade and written on it are also the words "Reach one, Teach one" and "Listen, copy, pass it on..."

Now, I haven't listened to it yet, but I just gotta say how freaking cool is that as a general concept! Just a little grassroots teaching going out to the Oak-Town peeps! Listen up, yo...! I'll listen to it today and if it's not bogus or a huge scam, I'm planning on making a couple of copies to hand out as I go about my own travels. Let me know if anyone is interested and I'll float you a copy as well....

And lastly but not leastly, big cyber-hug to my friends out there who not only put up with my crankiness yesterday but who actively tried to make me feel better. I'm really fortunate to have such thoughtful, articulate, (well-read, sweet, able to wear the hell out of certain outfits!) people in my life. Smoochie kisses to all of you! (and especially to Miss Tail who was instrumental in helping me access my inner teen last night by being just as giggley and silly over certain movie persons as I was... Does the camera love Mr. Bloom or what??! And how about the "held hostage by Johnny Depp" bit?? Sweet Mother of Jesus...!) Anyway, Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!

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