Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Did I mention I have ANOTHER date this very evening with R-B Guy?? The ever-fabulous Q feels very optimistic about this one (for some inexplicable, to me at any rate, reason given that she's not actually met the lad in question and is just going by the skewed commentary I'm feeding her.... I've got a sneaking suspicion she's on his payroll but I'll need to investigate the whole thing a bit further) Q very nicely gave me a few tips re: not sending him screaming off into the bushes -- at least not right away anyway. We also played a very fun game wherein I would tell her what i wanted to say and then she would tell me how I could phrase the request in a such a way as to make it slightly less demanding/threatening/coersive/scary... Apparently, it seems to be mostly about "tone"... Anyway, we wuv! That Q, she's stellar!!

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