Friday, August 29, 2003

Do overs!!

First, before we go any further into the whole craziness that has been the last few days let me offer a HUGE, extended, shout-out to the Fabulous "B" family and their a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e children (and I suppose the County of Alameda, as well) -- CONGRATULATIONS on the official recognition of parenting ability vis a vis the Ms. B and your sweet-teen-age-before-you-know-it Twins!!! You're the swell-est family of five that I know and i wish you all continued health and happiness!!

Now then, the week..... Actually, we could start with this morning and track back if we like... yes! Let's do that! This morning, first official drop-off by MamaChick of the Boo and ... the Chickster f***s it up! (That's right, folks, completely incompetent, that's me!) Locked keys inside the house, forgot Boo's breakfast and lunch, missed our freeway exit and was EXTREMELY close to being actually tardy...! {sigh} i don't know why she keeps me around...

Doh! I'm being summonded. More on my silly life in a bit...

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