Tuesday, September 09, 2003

I've said it before and I'll say it again, this chick is brillant!

The first line is, "It always happens at nighttime." The sixth line is, "Please mommy don't cry." Halfway down the page, the kid's hiding under his bed and near the end he's remembering a trip to the beach they all took when everyone was happy. The end is of course the kid pleading for mommy to wake up. Anyway, Mrs. Thompson will drop it into the assistant prinicipal's box before she leaves at 2:30 and family services should be on campus by next Wednesday to ensure that every step towards protecting the mother and child is ridiculously bungled, pretty much handing the father a handgun with two* live rounds in the clip, both of which will be discharged within six months.

Happy A Nine Year Old Turns In A Poem About His Dad Beating The Shit Out Of His Mom Day!

*Three live rounds should the father choose to turn the gun on himself after.

-Pretty Girl

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