Friday, November 14, 2003

Being Bi

What being Bi means...
Being "Bi" means that if you're on MUNI and you notice that some boy has a particularly nice butt you immediately start looking for a girl with a separate yet equally nice bottom so you can justify your attraction to the Boy butt without feeling like some visitor to the land of all the other attractive-yet-for-some-reason-still-not-getting-laid heterosexuals.

Being "Bi" does NOT mean that your chances of aformentioned laid-ness are necessarily any better, it really just sort of means you get rejected by twice as many people.

That is unless you're married to a hot chick and in an open relationship wherein you have a boy or two (and perhaps another girl or two) giving it to you regular-like on the side. Then, being "Bi" pretty much means all cake all the time...! at least that's what I hear....

So, today I am in a good mood. Partly because I managed to make a dear friend's life hell ()Thanks OG, I owe you one!) and partly because I just am. I had a fun evening with my kid, I had a relaxed stroll to the bus this morning where I got to watch two of the world's most wondrous butts swaying gently in front of me for close to five minutes. Seriously, who can complain with this kind of life?

Speaking of which, I was trying to explain to Boo this morning that she can't have everything all the time and she at one point looked up at me with absolute frankness and said "Why not?"

Why not indeed? I threw out the old "Try concentrating on the things you have got instead of the things you haven't" (Thanks, G-ma!) but I could tell she wasn't particularly convinced that that was the path she wanted to pursue vis a vis this whole "getting everything" stance. Well, you do what you can do right? I mean, i'd be cool if she could figure out a way to get everything she wanted all the time. It's not like I think it's somehow beyond her. I'm more concerned with whether or not she's happy in the interim....

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