Thursday, November 13, 2003


Yay! Last night as I was walking home from BART, I happened upon Best Buddy Q waiting at the bus stop near my house and as such got to have a good twenty minutes of unexpected "hang out" time with her PLUS a bonus glimpse of the ever-fabulous Little Lu! Sometimes the timing in my life is just so right!

K. So, I just fired off an e-mail to all my assorted managers explaining my "adoption plans" again lest they forget (again) that it's something I'm planning to do and neglect (again) to factor in time in which they must learn to live without me for a bit so that I can get my New-Boo settled in... I currently inhabit a very strange state of expectation wherein I never know if announcements like these will cause every single person in the entire world to lose their minds but heck, at least this time I'm ready for it.

In other news, I would like to offer a clarification/rebuttal re: yesterday's post submitted by a regular reader of our forum.

Apparently, it is the studied opinion of this individual that I "totally misrepresented" gestures and/or remarks made yesterday by this well-meaning guest in my home -- apparently aforementioned gestures/remarks were "a joke" and I have been advised that I should "stop thinking everything is about me." That being said, this individual would also like it known that he or she has "no interest" in pursuing relations with "a dried up tw**" like myself and as such I should "consider myself lucky" that he or she continues to occassionally become so "desparate" that they appear to be making themselves available to the likes of me.

Our lovely reader goes on to opine that I quite often come across as "a total c***" and that I need to stop "bad-mouthing other people's jobs" just because I "get paid to suck d*** all day" rather than doing actual work.

Right. For the record, I'd like to formally respond that I was not in fact making fun of anyone's new employment. I feel that phone solicitation is a valid and fabulous way to make money and if I ever run out of d***s to suck, I may just look into it as my next career choice. Above and beyond that, I think this reader's otherwise astute analysis of the situation as it occured in my livingroom yesterday is quite probably a correct one and I will therefore let it stand. [DB=Whiney...Little...Prick.] Alrighty then, moving along...

Me and the Boo (and the eldest of the Missus B's children) will be out and about this glorious city by the Bay either taking in a flick (Boo's actually in this so I would recommend everyone who is dying to say they knew her when queing up for some tix...) or watching some quality acrobatics. This all depends on permission from the Little B's parents, ticket sales and Boo-mood so nothing is set in stone, just wanted to give a head's up to those stalkers out there trying to plan their next "crouch and wait".

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