Thursday, December 11, 2003

In the zone!

Sorry, I just read that on a friend's post and thought it would be ironic to the nth degree to use it on MY site so there you have it!


The date.

The date went well. Can I just take a minute here to admit to something? On some very intrinsic level I think I'm prejudiced against boys. Not like I don't like them or anything but i think I assume they're pretty simple. Again, I mean that in the best possible sense of the word -- not trying to cast aspersions on any the fabulous boys who currently so have my back and are making my existence, in some very intrinsic ways, worth living; I'm just saying, the way I relate to boys that I like is so completely (freakishly almost) different from the way I act around girls that I like. That's the main qualifier BTW. "That I like." I tend to treat my friends the same regardless of gender identification although I have noticed I'm far more likely to just randomly decide to sleep with my boy friends than I am with my girl friends. More on that later. Maybe. Probably not though.

Anyway... thing is, if i like a boy and we're alone I just flat out jump on him. Even if I'm not sure I like them or we're just hanging out being buddies but something has occurred (alcohol, boredom, witty conversation, etc.) that makes me realize that it might not be such a bad thing to commence with the macking, I'll still just kind of jump on them. My assumption in these cases is that 1) If they are not interested they will just pull away, slap me and start sobbing (kidding!) or 2) If they are into the sudden physical contact that it will continue until we're both tired/bored/hungry at which point we will break for sleep/TV/and/or food and that will be that. Included in this is the assumption that there won't be any of that "So, what do we do now/where are we going with this/what do we do about your existing girlfriend?" nonsense at the end.

Seriously, I could spend all night licking some boy's body and still act all surprised and shocked when they mention that it might be nice to go grab some breakfast together. With girls, on the other hand, I assume there's going to be future crap to work out before I even know the chick's last name so I put all this energy into trying to figure everything out before we even get started. It's wierd. I mean, I'm on this date and I'm really wanting to just kiss this girl and I can't because I'm afraid she'll "take it the wrong way." And even I'm not sure what I mean by that. All I know is, I don't want to offend her, I don't want to put myself out there to get rejected, and basically I'm spending all my time sitting there trying to find clues as to whether or not she likes me in the way she holds her latte -- it's pathetic.

So, back to that date thing....

The date was nice. Bendy Girl is hot! She is incredibly cute and the fact that she's relatively normal, basically sweet and completely in love with the kids she teaches just adds to her overall kissablility. Plus, she kept taking her clothes off. Granted she was wearing like sixteen layers but still! it's disconcerting when someone whom you think is cute, suddenly decides mid-conversation to stand up and pull off their sweater -- and their sweatshirt -- and their rain pants...Nice. Unbelievably sexy, but disconcerting all the same.

Now then, having said all that, I must now put it out there that the Chick-ster did not get smooched last night {sorrowful cries ring out from the balcony}. The two of us did, however, manage to draft a preliminary contract, work out some of the more pertinent rules of our engagement and to reach a consensus vis a vis the relative attractiveness of the two of us so I actually think there's some chance (about 15%) in hell that I'll be seeing exactly what a concentrated Capoeria regimine can do to a body up close and personal in the near future! Maybe. As it stands we have tentative plans to perhaps get together and continue our discussions at some point during the next two weeks, so we'll see how it goes.


Sometimes, I wish boys had breasts!

Oh! and speaking of boys, big super-huge shout out to Travelin' Man who has parts of my back I didn't even know existed! Thank you soooo much for looking out in terms of entertaining things to do about town, potential job opportunities, and ways to allow Chick to be closer to power tools. You rock!

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