Tuesday, December 30, 2003


This post contains venting of a "where's the soapbox??" nature so if you're adverse to such a thing (especially this early in the morning) here's a link to the truly twisted -- yet still strangely compelling world of ultra-realistic Japanese sex dolls! Enjoy!

[Actually this whole site is really just begging to be thoroughly explored -- don't miss the pics sent in by the little ladies' "foster parents" -- Makes you re-think the whole concept of "bringing em up right!"]

Which, BTW, segues nicely into my mini-rant for this morning entitled: "What the HELL is up with this concept that each and every child has a primal/primary bond to the two people (and only those two people) who donated his or her genetic stock??" I mean there is SOME agreement that it is possible that should these two individuals be dead or otherwise prove completely unfit to raise a child that maybe some sort of bizarre secondary bond can form (maybe) between the child and a non-one-off-genetically related caregiver -- say a grandparent or heaven forbid, a step-parent (same sex-second parent adoptive caregivers are ONLY permissable if the white picket fence is firmly in place, one parent stays home and everybody is super secure in their gender roles lest the child "get confused" as to whom the "mommy" really is -- do NOT even get me started about that one!!) and the thing is I'm really getting sick of it. I'm sick of people who i otherwise consider fairly intelligent shaking thier heads in wonder as they murmur crap like "That's just so amazing that you'd even consider adopting. i mean, I know I'd always sort of wonder about her real parents..." or "That's so cool that you can share Boo like that. I mean if she were my child I don't know if I could just give her away half the time..." And the always adorable flip-side to that statement: "Yeah, I mean, I've considered having a baby but there's just no way I could do it on my own! I mean a kid needs two parents right?"

Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I am NOT saying that children do not benefit from having two responsible committed adults in their lives who care about them and want to have a hand in raising them. Of course they freaking do! But responsible/commited/mature/gives-even-half-a-shit does not (let me repeat for emphasis) does NOT equal "biologically related" and it sure as hell doesn't always have to mean "functional part of a committed couple"... Sheesh! Sorry. It just really pisses me off that on the one hand we have working bio moms freaking out about their kids "getting too attached" to their nannies and on the other we have government institutions keeping kids in foster placements rather than giving them to proven, responsible single parents because someone somewhere decided that kids can only truly thrive in an environment where they are able to sufficiently bond with thier egg/sperm donors!!

k. {breathe} I think I'm done. Happy Tuesday everyone. How's the day working out for the rest of you?

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