Monday, February 02, 2004

Three things...

Real quick, three things I've been thinking about lately (o.k. on my drive into work this morning -- I am nothing if not topical!)

1) I had one of THOSE dreams last night about an ex-co-worker Boy-friend of mine last night (I actually have had many dreams that I've been remembering lately. I kinda think it's because I've been being woken up smack in the middle of them the last few days so they're being seared into my conscious mind... anyway...) and the funny thing is that he's not (by a long shot) the one one would THINK that I'd have that sort of dream about if ya knawhattamean. I mean, no disrespect or anything, he's absolutely stellar/attractive/gainfully employed etc. Just not really my typical type. Dream was nice though. We both seemed to be having a pretty good time so it's all good.

2) I love my kid's teacher. There are a bunch of reasons why this is the case but the most recent happens to be that she cares not even a little bit about dumb stuff like TARDINESS in the first freakin' grade. I mean maybe she WOULD if we were always late or something but for the occassional "got stuck on the bridge" nonsense she's pretty cool. I know this because we were late this morning and we had to go to the office and get a tardy slip/"tut-tut, I am just amazed that SOME parents have such a hard time getting their children to school on time!" speech from the school secretary who is in charge of filling out those slips of paper -- said entirely for my benefit, I'm sure -- so we got our slip and slunk into Miss Boo Teacher's class and were greeted with "Hello! Got caught in the rain? You can put that right there, Hon." Paired with a cheery smile/finger indicating we should put that tardy slip directly into the garbage bin so she wouldn't have to do it... Miss Boo Teacher=cool.

3) Reverse psychology doesn't work on my kid. Boo gets to sleep in my bed with me on Thursdays. She would very much like to sleep with me more often but for some reason (which I'm not even super clear about) she's not allowed to. There's some rule that I'm vaguely certain the CP and I set up along time ago that I'm sure could use some re-visiting but I haven't got the energy to really do the research on it -- not unlike the sodomy laws in some states. Anyway, the other night, or rather morning (4am) kid has a bad dream and instead of calling out to her "Well, try to go back to sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning." followed by an hour of sniffling, half-sleep and calling out for assurance that those monsters had not only been been escorted OFF the premises they'd actually, in fact been shot and had their bloody carcasses put up on display in an area where the Boo could see them easily from her top bunk -- I elected instead to just go get in bed with her so we could both just freaking get some sleep. So, when she wakes up in the morning and discovers me there she inquires whether or not I had a good sleep. I reply "yes!" and go on and on about how much I like her bed. Then for added measure I say "I want to sleep with you ALL the time [this being where the reverse psychology comes in because that's what she says to me and this way, theorhetically, she gets a chance to tell me "no" which is empowering to her while at the same time supports my position in the matter] and she says "O.K.! If you really want to you can." {sigh} Who decided I should be allowed to parent??!

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