Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I'm hot. Not to be confused with HOT but really just kind of hot... and tired. I'm tired too. Consider the following situation:

Girl likes boy. Girl knows she has "no future" with boy so Girl encourages boy to get out and "meet people". Boy meets another girl. Girl is happy for him (really) yet at the same time feels an almost unquenchable urge to "fight" to "keep" boy all the while realizing she doesn't want him (not really, at least not permanently)... Girl thinks that it's probably a really good idea to just freaking leave boy alone so he can go be happy already. Girl is resolved. Girl feels good about her decision. Girl is finally feeling somewhat like an adult. Boy checks in. Girl practically bites her tongue in half attempting to not shift conversation in any way toward discussion of concept of their "relationship". Girl almost succeeds. Boy inquires about girl's plans for Spring Break. Girl mentions that she has none, thinks maybe they should "hang out." Boy isn't sure, needs to check out some stuff. Will call girl back. Girl hangs up phone and commences with the mental kicking of herself....

Now consider the question, as I have been for the last little bit now: What the hell is wrong with me???? Seriously. Pathetic doesn't EVEN begin to describe it. The two things that can happen here are: Boy says "sorry, can't hang out. To involved with my other person at the moment" thus hurting girl's feelings or Boy says "Sure! Love too" thus prolonging the slow, agonizing march toward the inevitable brush off.

Ah well, whatever. You only live once, right? ;-]

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