Wednesday, July 21, 2004

You choose the ending!

Him: Hey!
Me: Hey, Honey, what's up?
Him: I'm coming out there in August.
Me: Cool!
Him: What're you doing the week-end of the 21st?
Me: Nothin. Miss Boo has a sleep-over in San Jose but I'll be around.
Him: Can I crash at your place?
Me: Of course! You can meet the Baby.
Him: {loooong pause} Oh. Right. I forgot about the baby.
Me: Meaning??
Him: Um... I guess she's probably too young to go to someone's house. Like for a sleepover or something, huh?

Ending one:

Me: {offended} Damn Skippy! And she's a light sleeper AND I just got rid of all the skanky-ass, cold-sore-inducing germology you spread all over the place the last time I let your loser self "stay over!" Plus, you have a girlfriend now! Pig.

Ending two:

Me: Um. let me make some calls...

Now I know what Jesus would do but what do the rest of you'all think?

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