Monday, August 30, 2004

Second Grade!

My Boo is in the second grade! I know this because today was her first day of school and we assembled on the other side of the circle from the kindergarteners and first-graders! Also, her new classroom is on the second floor! I am so excited about all of this I can really not even stand it. Her class is essentially made up of some of the kids she had in the first grade plus some kids she knows from kindergarten so it was all smiles and "hello"s! and "Yay! I didn't know you were in my class!" all round! Very adorable actually. Psycho mom and AgroChild are not a part of her class this year which is a relief but the unfortunate flip-side to that is that now I have to interact with PM (Perfect Mother of Perfect Child who cannot stand the Psycho family and always manages to pull strings to get her daughter in the other class) ... Ah well. Such is the way of life sometimes...

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