Thursday, September 02, 2004

For the record...

I do NOT "like" or have any designs on a certain sub-30 individual. I was simply stating what I thought might have been a thematic undercurrent in a certain conversation I had with an old pal is all.

Now then. I do like this girl in my class who is cute and has a great smile. For the first time since I started Grad school though, I am otherwise pretty unimpressed with the rest of my cohort. It would appear that all the brillant ones that I was in class with lo these last few years have moved on and I'm stuck with "Fresh" faces most of whom are o.k. but a few of whom I may need to really seriously slap. Answer me this, if you're in a Masters Degree prgram and your professor says you need to "reflect on your experience and keep a journal." What the hell kind of student would then raise their hand to inquire "How long, exactly do we need to reflect? I mean, do we need to write more than a page a day?" I ask you??!

My Pretty Boy just got back from the East (coast) where he was noticing that things are far more integrated ethnically than they are here which is interesting given that I thought we were doing a pretty bang-up job over on this side of the country. He does have a point though if he's mainly talking about Frisco. I mean, IMHO it's Oak-town that's got the best mix of differently flavored peeps... Or maybe it's not so much that it's got the different types living near one another, it just seems to have a super-high mix of people who are actually mixed, nawhattamean? Anyway, glad he's back. Hugs to him and his duly coping self. Hope eveyone has a splendiferous Thursday. I'm out.

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