Thursday, November 18, 2004

I have cramps!

I know, TMI but so what! You all say you want to know the real me but then when all upon a sudden I'm crampy and agro... then we see who my REAL friends are...! Just kidding. Well, not about the crampy part but about the other... K. So. Moving on. I would first like to deliver a HUGE shout out to the B family without whom my littlest would be bereft (bereft, I tell you!) of warm, serviceable, and (I think more importantly) cute winter attire! I heart you guys and I am sooooo glad I'm on the receiving end of your toddlers' really very adorable hand-me-downs!

In other news, my darling Prof. K. told me last night that she really wished I could take her class next semester because she liked the "dynamic" (her word) my somewhat tangential/loose-canon (mine) presence had on her credential students. (!!) I really truly do heart that lady. {you know what I really want?? I REALLY want to be "her" grad student; all the profs have "their" grad students who do all their research for them, follow them around waiting for them to get around to discussing things with them, teaching their classes while they're off at some conference on "Ethnographic Classism and Didatic Reform", etc., and I really want to be hers...! (I know, too much "need to be dominated" not enough spanking. I'm sure i'll get over it -- wait was that TMI as well...?)

Nothing else really. Busy week coming up in terms of sheer amounts of papers that need to be written but I've got some quality Kid-sitters in place so I'm pretty sure it's all going to happen on time and under budget.... Sigh. Now i'm sitting here thinking about how really insanely cool it would be to sit around my Prof.s' office "coding data" while she edits some article of mine that I want to submit to Ed. Researcher.... God.

What the hell is wrong with me...??????

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