Tuesday, January 11, 2005

"don`t be an asshole Desiree"

Ah, spam.... Where do they come up with the titles for these things...! Alright, so I'm not saying I'm having any kind of mid-life crisis or anything but on my way in to work this morning (as I wandered through the motions of dropping off the kid, chatting up the coffee counter girl, checking out the other caffeine patrons as we stood about waiting for our various toasted pastry items...) I noticed that I'm older than everybody else. Not only that but in spite of (or maybe because of) my actual age in dog years I still get treated like I'm younger for some reason. It's weird. I'm sitting there yakking with Ms. 20-something-Double-latte-with-skim about Tiffany and how sad it was that "Dreams Never Die" never made it to the states (her song was on the sound system at the time -- this wasn't just a random flight of fancy) and about how very misundersttod she/her career were and this other lady (maybe early thirties) in what used to be Armani casual before it became pase to flaunt your designers, glances over at us with a little, condescending smile/"been there, moved on" look and I'm thinking "Hey!! Enough with the 'tude, Chicka, I'm old enough to be your mom! (Or at least much older sister...)" whilst my co-patriot actually looked a little sheepish. And therein lies the rub. It would seem I'm at a point in my life where I still act young enough to embarrass my friends but I'm old enough to defend my silliness/stupidity because, seriously, when it comes right down to it, it's ALL stupid, it just that some idiocy makes you giggle whereas other flavors make you feel like slitting your wrists. Whatever. I give Ms. Beige slacks with this season's jacket a few more years before she either loosens up or starts some serious botox.

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