Thursday, February 03, 2005

Rock and Roll!!

Ha, My baby likes the Heartbreakers! I made a tape for the children from this Kid's Travelin' Songs CD I had and there was room at the end so I slipped in a few of the classics and I swear to gawd, my two-year-old got THE bigest smile on her face when Tom Petty's "Waiting" came on. I mean she was de-lighted! Nice. (she was slightly less enthralled with Meatloaf - "I won't do that!" but I can see the Meatboy being more of an aquired taste...)

In other news, DB showed up at my place last night with THE tiniest girl I think i've ever seen. Seriously, this chick topped out at 4 foot 6 or something like that. She was Boo-sized. Cute like a Bratz doll just so itty-bitty. I took the liberty to explain to him (whilst she was availing herself of the "facilities") that I had just completed one adoption and wasn't really in the mood to try aquiring another child right this second only to find that he was offering up this tiny being as a possible love-match for the Chickster! I know. I was/am/will continue to be shocked. And appalled. And a little bit flattered. Thanks, DBs, you're sweet, but I think I'm good.

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