Sunday, February 20, 2005

Yet another case of apples not falling...

Spent the morning with the Bee children today. Absolute fabulosity the whole squeakin' lot of em! Completely adorable. makes me wish I had four more!Then, after they'd gone, Boo and I had the following conversation re: Mr. Johnny Depp who will be starring in this masterpiece

Boo: They're making a new chocolate factory.
Me: Who's they?
Boo: The movie people.
Me: The movie people are making a new chocolate factory?
Boo: Yup. Only without Gene Wilder. This one has a new guy as Willie Wonka.
Me: Oh...! They're remaking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Boo: It's Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, actually.
Me: Of course.
Boo: Except there's a new Wonka.
Me: Uh huh. [No idea who she's talking about]
Boo: He's got hair like this [touches shoulders] and nice eyes.
Me: Hmmm. [Still no idea]
Boo: I like how his eyes go with his mouth.
Me: Really?
Boo: Uh huh. He's cute. Johnny Something.
Me: Johnny Depp?
Boo: That's it.
Me: Is Willie Wonka?
Boo: Uh huh.
Me: Really?
Boo: Uh huh.
Me: [pause to let this sink in] He is cute.
Boo: [Once again right but, as always, too kind to say so] Mmm hmmm.

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