Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Man o man...

Today kicked my A**! Luckily I am skilled at not just rising above such unpleasantness-es as, say, every single thing that COULD go wrong with my stupid set of IT systems actually GOING wrong (that's not true actually. Instead what happened was we had the APPEARANCE of a major f***up without the actual F***ed up part so really, while I still got my a** thoroughly chewed the hell out, it ended up being over nothing really.) Nice.

K. so moving on. How is it happening that I (yes, that would be ME) am having such eventful and lovely week-end plans just fall into my lap?? First, on Sat. we're doing the party-with-friends part of the Spark's birthday which will be so cool I'm not sure I can even stand it; then, on Sundee my big girl is going to show the Capoeria world exactly how things ought to be done as well as getting her first belt!

Quoting her teacher who called to make sure she'd be at the ceremony which will feature kids and thier teachers and parents from all over the country: "She's just so good. I really want the other adults to see what she can do. I think it's going to get alot of them interested in her, I mean, she's got all this innate sort of talent. She's still pretty modest but man she's really good!"

{blush, smile} No, please. Stop. O.K. if you must...

"She reminds me of myself when I was starting out, of course she's already better than me at the handspring stuff..." Yay!

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