Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Another thing...

Why is it that every interview I have these days feels like a freaking parenting situation? I mean, honestly, it's like I have "Ask me for guidance!" stamped on my forehead....

Conversation I just had with one of the interviewers from last week:

Me:Hey there....
Her:So, I just wanted to let you know where we are with our process..
Me:Uh huh
Her:i mean, first, let me just say we enjoyed your interview soooo much! I mean, we really got a good feeling from you and we all think you'd be such a great addition to the company....
Her:Well, we just aren't sure you're right for that particular position.
Me:Oh. O.K.
Her:I mean, what do you think? I feel like it's just wouldn't be interesting for you.... [note: are we all catching the subtext here. She's asking me to agree with her that they shouldn't hire me for my own good....]
Me:Uh, well, actually, i wouldn't have all that much of a problem starting in a lower level role and moving into another position as it opens up... I mean i understand the company is growing and if you typically promote from the inside...
Her:Oh, we do!
Me:O.K. well,how about this, you discuss with the folks there and see what you all can come up with and I'll give you a call back say at the end of the week?
Her:Oh. O.K. that sounds good. Great! I'll talk to you then.

{sigh}Is it just me....

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