Monday, August 27, 2007

Who had the best week-end EVER?

That's gonna be me!

Friday was great due in large part to the fantastic-ness of getting to spend some quality time with the GF (which, in turn brings me right back to having to express how very much i LOVE the Bees for providing not just kid-watchage but kid-watchage on a level that rivals/generally surpasses -- my own feeble attempts at child-raising!) at a chocolate store (That's right. A store that exists to sell really amazing Chocolate. me=dying.) and at her swanky-dank apar-te-mont wherein High School yearbooks were perused and many adorable pictures of persons who, at the time, were in their very young 20's and who are now old/still extremely influential in my life may or may not have surfaced (eh, hem. BBQ. Nice skirt...!) Very cute indeed.

Saturday was fun in that we (me, the girls, the GF and her lovely GalPal, the Gazelle) all managed to find each other at Sistah Steppin' (think drums and dykes and lots of mixed children) while at the same time, was a tiny bit more stressful than i would have liked due, i think, to the addition of a fast-growing puppy and some lost house keys into the overall mix.... I've coem to accept though (sort of) that not everything on the planet can be perfect all the time. not even in MY life so... I know,l shocking but true.....!! Anyways, apologies to the Gazelle for dragging your buddy away to help me with my lost key sitch. I've already promised to not be even a tiny bit jealous the next time Duck tells me she'd rather hang out with you week-ends because you're more fun than i am/not all complainey all the time about the idea of physically exerting oneself....

Sunday was just plain, across the board AWESOME. Went to the Russian River with the GF (who continues to put up with me for reasons that must be closely tied to some trust fund situation she's aware of that hasn't come to my attention yet) the children, the Big Girl's buddy, RockStar and the Lovah-Lovahs. Seriously, the weather was perfect the company was sublime and the kids were great. Really, truly more fun than i think is legal (although, what with Mr. Gonzales stepping down, all those proposals to the further limit freedom-to-have-massive-amounts-of-fun may also be falling by the wayside.) Then too, the fact that Sunday eve also managed to include some adult-oriented activity that was incredibly nice only solidified the day's enshrinement in my own personal Hall-of-week-end-fun-fame! Man. {shake head} have I mentioned how stupid I am about that girl??????

Monday, today, is going o.k. I'm the WORLD'S worst parent and got up late/missed my kid's first day starting the 5th grade (The much maligned CP managed to cover my sketchy parent-ness by getting the kid to school perfectly on time and by further following up with a fill-in phone call to me describing the festivities so... while it sucks to have to admit, I guess I am actually glad she's around sometimes... ;-]) I'm hoping to get all the dirt later on tonight in a follow-up call to the Big Girl but still. Would have been mice to have actually witnessed the transition to the new school... {sigh} it sucks to suck.

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