Monday, October 29, 2007

the p in perfection

My baby girl is great. Sure she kept me up ALL night being mumbly/upset (she had pretty good reasons -- hurt her big toe, congested, kept thinking about the "big man in the green head" we saw on our way to get some quality -- albeit a little sketchy what with the random automatons everywhere! -- burgers and fries) but still and all there is NOTHING so adorable as a sleepy-deepy girl who, in being moved from the bed where she has finally, FINALLY fallen asleep to the the couch where she will be propped up and dressed prior to sallying forth into the new day, quietly inquires about her new basketball to the tune of "[tiny voice] Mommy, I tired. I'm too tired. can i have my ball?"

Dyin' I tell you!

Week-end = grand. Got to see a great deal of the QBGF who ... is ... perfect and who i like just so very much! What, you may be thinking to yourself could possibly be so perfect about this person (although anyone of you who actually knows will prolly instead be thinking "What is it about Chick that is keeping this person interested!" No worries. it's actually the kids who are keeping her around. Me, I'm just along for the ride!) well! to begin, she got the girls basketballs. Basketballs. Really nice ones. and then commenced to playing basketball with them. Seriously. add to that the brownies produced from scratch that her and the Big girl collaborated on and you've got the "P" in "Perfection' my friends! Really, just unbelievably sweet. (the GF although the brownies were great too!)

Then also got fifteen thousand loads of laundry done as well as part of house tidied so i sort of have to say, this really was a very lovely and productive week-end! Hope everyone else's was swell as well. I'm missing everyone BTW so expect actual "check-in" phone calls starting... right... now!

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