Friday, October 26, 2007


I'm ovulating. I know this because...

1) My breasts are HUGE
2) I was "spinning" yesterday and now am having "ye olde 'bloodie' showe"
3) I have a new, sudden work-crush on one of the boy designers here which only manifested itself upon his recounting the various ways in which his body became disfigured/crushed/bruised & broken during his "last cage match" --- mmmmm lithe manly men grappling to the death for... um. well, for something. maybe a prize or a trophy or something. Ah, who cares. They're locked in a tiny space trying to kill each other in an enormously testosterone-enabled way and that's just HOT! (at least it is right this second. I'm sure i'll go back to being appalled/mystified once this egg-enrichment opportunity has passed. Note to GF: remember, I like you *regardless* of where i am in my cycle! Sweetie....?)

so, anyway... this is interesting to me because I am old. I am old and i have old eggs. I have, therefore no idea what my body is thinking. i mean, sure maybe i'm not ready for standard menopause yet but still.... one would think there'd be some sort of slow-down in the biological clock -- or maybe not. Maybe it's just the quality of your eggs that's iffy not so much the monthly response to the progesterone bomb....

in other news, going out on a Dinner-and-a-Book date with the QBGF and the childrens. I am beside myself delighted with the prospect of getting to see her so soon and with both of the kids and being all out-and-about at night so... me = happy right now.

let's see... what else. Work has calmed down a huge amount in the over-all sucking department. Once it got to "seriously crazy" levels, I went to have a chat with HR and they (sensing, I think the "potential lawsuit aspect of the sitch) moved very quickly to get me "out of the line of fire" as it were so that's nice. I also got a nice little bonus with this latest code release (not sure why exactly as I am a PM and everyone knows PMs do nothing!) but whatev. Not gonna look a gift check in the mouth!

Um... hmmm. Puppy = good. Super smart. learning lots fast. Children are grand. growing like freaking weeds but i feel like I'm doing a little better with all of that... Bee family back (FINALLY) from their extended time-away-from-me-to-attend-some-random-sibling's-wedding so that's a load off....

All in all, i'd have to say things look smashing! Looking forward to the Halloween festivities and, I guess, toward the end of this mostly wonderful but sometimes awfully taxing month!

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