Sunday, March 16, 2008

Super quick update just because....

Hey all,
so i re-read my last post and was struck by the fact that SO much has happened in the last few days that I should really update some stuff so here goes!

1) DID hear back from the shoe-folks in Navato -- they would like me to put together a presentation-style proposal of what i intend to do with their website during my first few months and present it to the bunch of them on Tuesday! (eek!) so that's promising. [supposed to be working on it right now actually....]

2) Also have an in person-interview with the JCCSF on Monday which should be nice (we're already discussing my salary requirements and they've not actually met me yet!)

3) AND just to make things a little more intense, I have an initial phone interview with WestEd (also Monday) which is a kick-a** education organization that exists to serve K-12 in underrepresented populations and which is nation-wide (and pays within "my range" as opposed to JCCSF's "below-but-look-at-all-our-benefits!!" offer) but which would be more of "spending some time in the ranks of education initiatives" instead of being a big ole freaking "shoe-selling rock-star" at the other place so.... it fits with what I'm supposedly graduating in order to do.... I just don't' know. At this point I'm just entertaining all offers and trusting that I'll get handed what i need to complete the next phase of the life. I tend to be lucky like that. (a side bonus of the shoe place is that i think it would give me the mental flexibility to continue focusing on the independent business gig me and the IHOEL are trying to get going.)

THEN in a completely OTHER area, the lovely and beautiful Wedding Planner to the stars TRSM (aka: The Rock Star's Mom) has signed on to help with/pretty much do the planning/budgeting/detail-wrangling for the Big Event and She. Is. Awesome! I heart her. she is soooo focused and smart and detail-oriented it's crazy. Really. I need to get her something REALLY nice when this is all said and done because she and she alone is going to be responsible for this thing coming off in the amazing manner It no doubt will!

Lastly, meeting with the diss. committee (yup. on Monday -- didn't think there was enough going on that day) to review my initial narrative with an eye toward graduation in May.... scary. but still possible. and meaning i'm looking at TONS of writing over the next few weeks that has nothing to do with cover letters. ;-)

k. that's it for now. Hope everyone is having a lovely life. I'll actually call folks when I get a second to breath again --- think mid-to-late November.......

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