Friday, April 04, 2008

Scratch that... start over...

O.K. so what I MEANT to say was "Yay me! I'm going to work for JCC!" Yeah, the Birken-peeps (heretofore known as the Birkenflakes!) couldn't get their sh*t together long enough to work out a contract so I had to respectfully decline thier semi-sorta-offer-of-employment (maybe) in favor of the OTHER really nice company that was not only very excited about having me start immediately but who also proved exceptionally flexible/charitable in terms of not being mad that i essentially told them they just weren't going to be "able to meet my needs" only to come crawling back, still with a bunch of other conditions for them to meet (which they did!) Suffice to say, they are awesome. i am happy and as of Monday, I am once again working in the City! Whoo hoo!

1 comment:

Quin said...

congrats. You are going to work up in Laurel Heights???
Geez I should have kept that Marine job and we could commute together...