Monday, September 15, 2008


K. i forgot to blog about this the other day but My Big Girl is now officially Street-smart and has been riding the (public transit) bus from her school to my work where she has her after-school camp thing and it's been a little bit of a learning experience (for both of us). This is mainly due to the fact that she's NEVER done anything even close to this before so there have been the occasionally missteps -- getting on buses going the wrong direction, getting on the bus going the right direction but having it choose to stop and kick everybody off mid-way to the stop she's supposed to get off on, getting off on the right stop but then forgetting which way you're supposed to walk up the hill (especially since your stop is sort of in a valley so there are two "up" directions) but she is a trooper and has totally got the drill down. So, Friday she calls me from stop one to announce that she's on her way to stop two and I decide, what the heck! I'll head on down to meet her. Can I just say, the look of sheer delight on her face as she gets off the big ole smelly bus and sees me waiting there at the cafe across the street with a magazine, some tea and a cup of hot chocolate for her..... priceless! Anyhoo, she comes trotting up with this huge grin on her face and says "Wow. I didn't expect to see you here! How delightful!" Seriously, I've said it before and I'll say it again, it is moments like these that are THE reason you have kids.

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