Saturday, February 28, 2009

Way to make it just that much worse

So, you know what you do when you're already tired and stressed and trying to "wrap up" a million things because you can't think of a better way to spend your basically zombie-like struggle to make it until you get to go back to bed stagger through the day...? Manage you 401 K account. Or rather try to get funds transfered from your old (stupid) 401K into your new (rapidly dwindling in it's own right) Roth IRA. To do this correctly you must spend a bunch of time digging the original "sign away your life" paperwork out from all the accumulated stacks fo paperwork, then you need to figure out what your current accounts numbers are (typically unavailable of every actual printed and on-line piece of documentation which in and of itself necessitates a visit to the always sort of intimidating/depressing "tax-stuff" folder) figure out which areas to fill in on which form then try to deduce whether or not accidentally writing in the other sections then crossing it out once the actual instructions are made a bit more clear upon re-re-re-reading makes the entire thing null and void before finally just giving the h*** up, stuffing the whole thing in an envelope and hoping for the best. Not just big fun but soothing as well......

1 comment:

CJ said...

Oh, how I can related!!