Friday, April 24, 2009


K. So. went to go see the "Live" recording of the this American life show last night with the Scoot and Ms. Tail and it. was. awesome! It was late-ish for us to be out and about on a school night but soooo worth it and adorable and fun, etc. etc. the only thing I even found slightly concerning was the realization that even as I mocked my fellow audience members for their uber-cool, downwardly-mobile hip, intellectual ennui, urban ways I had to admit they were squarely in my demographic. So, basically I'm sitting there thinking "really? This is my tribe???? Sheesh. that's kind of sad." Seriously, I'm just beginning to see why it may be that i'm so in love with 20 year olds and I (at the same time) am beginning to realize i may actually be "one of those older ladies who likes 20-year-olds!"

Funnily enough, Mizz Tail was telling me about a moment that occurred on a trip she took recently with a group of people where she announced to the assembled crowd "It's funny but you know how usually when you're with a group of people there's one a**hole? Well, I'm so pleasantly surprised because none of you are a**holes!" She, of course meant it as a compliment but in the uneasy pause that followed she also admitted to suddenly wondering "Wait. Does that mean *I'm* the ...??!"

I've seen the Cougar, folks, and she is me!

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