Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I asked my brain.

this was the response my Little girl gave me today when i inquired as to whether anyone had informed her decision to throw away her homework packet.

Me: You threw away your homework?
Spark: uh huh.
Me: Um. why?
Spark: It was small. It was only two pages. It wasn't enough.
Me: Oh. So... did you ask anyone if it was enough? Did someone tell you to throw it away?
Spark: I asked my brain.
Me: Oh. O.K. Well, maybe next time ask the teacher.
Spark: K.

In other news I am right this second listening to rap. I KNOW! [I'll wait while everyone gets up off the floor. hm, hm, hm....] Here's the thing. My kid. the one who is typically within earshot of me or her other (to the best of my knowledge, non-rapping) mother or at school (where, again, I'm assuming there is not so much with the tone loc) was flipping the dials on the ole stereo the other day and found some random R&B/rap station ("Eeeezy-E!" i believe) which she not only stopped at but LOVED. To the point where she was all bouncing around in her seat. Now, I'm not saying I'm anti-rap. Or even that there aren't artists that I find appealing, I'm just saying I have NEVER exposed her to this type of tune-age so I was a bit taken aback by the fervor of her interest! i was also taken aback by the fact that she learned some of the songs pretty much instantly and started chanting them along at the top of her voice which brings us to our current situation wherein I'm trying to find songs that fit into the "rap" mold but which I would also feel comfortable with my 6-year-old singing at the top of her lungs in, say, a supermarket. It's hard. Salt n Pepper - out. Most of Ms. Latifah's early years, nope. Anyone who isn't the Fresh Prince - not so much. I did find one collection that's got a bunch of artists (Kayne West, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Consequence, etc.) doing really positive, kid-friendly songs but I found it kind of randomly and I can't find anything else like it by going to their individual sites.... So, there you have it, anyone out there is an aficionado and has some suggestions for the Spark Mix-Tape-Extravaganza, PLEASE send them my way!

1 comment:

duckus said...

I am ON IT. What about Lauryn? Should we watch Sister Act II ?