Friday, July 24, 2009

Um, thanks...?

K. so this may be TMI but I went to go have a general physical + tetnus shot + mammogram today onna counta why the heck not (and my BBQ said she wasn't going to ever speak to me again if I didn't have some freaking bloodwork done already!) and it was all going along well and good until a moment right at the end of the actual mammogram procedure when the technician person looked at me and said with quite the proud glow in her voice "See how even and homogeneous your breast tissue is!" Now I know that clearly this was intended as some sort of compliment (I think) but I was still sort of puzzling it over when she (after scrutinizing the images for a minute)then busted out with "It's so great that you've had children -- your tissue is softer, more malleable" adding (no doubt upon seeing my expression) "women with firmer breasts are harder to read..." So.... the takeaway here, I guess, is that I may not be able to stop traffic/rock a tube top anymore but dammit, I sure am easy to search for lumps! Alrighty then! If that's what I get, I'll take it!

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